All those who have requested to be linked, have been linked, just not here. That is because Cassandra is terribly busy and terribly inefficient, and so she has not picked a new url for the nice new blogskin which is simply sitting there and waiting for her. Yippee.
And now, a multitude of logarithms are waiting for her. Oh the joy.
Yay! Its been decided! I shall have a new blog url and skin! The skin is courtesy of the wonderfully talented VERON! And the url is undecided. Shall post the new url as soon as im done with the new skin's coding and stuff, and have settled on a nice url.
Studying in the library [school library] is distracting. There are people around like Carmina and Sylvia around to distract you and make you laugh when you're trying to focus on your physics homework, which is the magnitude units of the moon or something like that. Which is obviously important. More important than laughing at Sylvia adding werid actions to her bio homework, which looks mysteriously like sotongs more than red bloodcells carrying oxygen to other parts of your body.
More important than getting irritated at Carmina for wanting to say "lame things" but not saying them at last, more important than listening to Sylvia's relatively werid version of what seemed to be Beauty and the Beast. But wait, that was after the study session... No matter.
More homework waiting, a never ending pile. Whee. Sec three life is fun.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 @ 9:40 PM
I know for some of you guys who actually still look at my blog from time to time [I apprecieate it. Really!], that this page take forever to load, or it doesn't load properly, probably due to the large amount of pictures and photos I love to upload. My sincere apologies, but I still love photos, so live with it if possible. Thanks (:
Belated camp photos! The ones on anderson portal of three-three are mostly the ones of water activities though. But I shall make do with what we have.
Water confidence, part ONE! No, we're [3/3 group one] not the ones on the raft, nor the ones on the shore. We're the ones in the water, in a linked circle, lying back and kicking our feet around :3
Water confidence, part TWO. Yes, we're still in the water having fun.
Yes I know its hard to see because of the size [I'm still not very sure if this is 3/3. Let's all assume, for my sake, that it is, okay?], but we're on our kayaks, doing the stand-up-game. One row stands up, the other links hands to make sure its steady. Scary but fun (:
Wrong order I know, but anyway. Group one of 3/3, and their wonderfully floating raft! :D Credits to Olivia for tying such nice, tight knots, under pressure (;
That's all for now. Loving school again. Even the homework, especially the class (:
Camp was FUN! Three days and two nights were tiring, but still super fun aha. We went kayaking, water confidence, rafting, zipline, CRC, campfire, and stuff like that. And sleeping and eating and bathing obviously.
The zipline was scary. Its like jumping off a three-story building, just that there's the harness/dumbell thingie which keeps you generally safe. But still scary. Once you jump off, its really really fun though. Exhilarating too.
Kayaking/water confidence was done in a group, which was your class. That was really fun too. For the water confidence part, you stand in a line with other people, link hands, and walk into the water. As if you wish to drown yourself. But you havePFDs [Personal Floatation Devices], you don't really sink, you really do float. We did it twice, once for the kayaking, once for the rafting. The one for the rafting was fun aha. We linked in a circle and played around in the water. That was before I remembered that there was puke in the water though... Then there was the kayaking. It was in pairs, so I went with minying. Water kayaking was hard. And tiring. But still fun :D We were forced to stand up and sing twinkle twinkle little stars on the kayaks, holding hands. A very shaky experience.
The campsite was really really really noisy. Not just because of the people there [us, plus the trainers and teachers], but because it was right next to Changi Airport. And I mean RIGHT NEXT. Every twenty minutes or so [yes we timed it], one plane would fly right over the campsite, creating a hell of a lot of noise. We found out that SIA's planes were the noisiest, which was pretty bad for us, considering the fact that majority of the planes which passed by the campsite were SIA planes. Which also posed as a problem at night, when there were more planes.
I have a theory that the silver stuff on the roof of the dormatories are actually amplifiers. Its either that, or planes create a whole lot more noise in the night, and the noise seems prolonged, which is obviously worse. Not to mention that the first night was really really really cold, since it rained at what, 2am or so? It was very literally, spine-chillingly cold. And to balence it out, the following night was pretty warm. So it evens out I guess.
No matter how cold, wet, warm, tiring, disgusting, scary, or sea-sick, camp was still fun :3
I'm quite bored of this blogskin and url. Maybe I should go blogskin hunting again...
anderson secondary 6Charitian of OLGC
2/5'er of Anderson Sec
ATC`ian! exco member!
8th june '93
...can be very contradicting a sweet and candy addict
...loves dreaming about anything and everything
...has a thing for smiling and laughing at weird times
...loves all her friends and family alot
...likes the rain and cant stand the heat
...can be slow at understanding things so please excuse her
...does not like the dark
...wishes she were more outspoken and brave
...likes taking photos as long as she isnt in the photo
...can get emotionally-unstable at times but just let her be
...usually doesnt like being alone
...despises long distance running